Time and or temperature can be incorporated into any of our standard message or graphic displays.
This is a dedicated Time Temperature Display showing either time, date, temperature or any combination of these. Temperature usually comes from a local sensor, we can also interface to systems to display swimming pool temperatures, with automatic conversion and alternating display between Celcius and Fahrenheit, also multiple pools can be handled on a single display. All Time Temperature Displays have a built in clock with battery backup. The time can be updated either from a remote control, push buttons, a computer, GPS Global Positioning System (works anywhere) or MSF Rugby (which is a cheap way of doing it).
Manufacturer of advanced LED display systems, price displays, time temperature and custom information displays. Builds programmable electronic signs, electronic and digital displays and scoreboards. Company information, products, photo gallery, investor relations, and employment. Displays the United States wind chill chart, and answers frequently asked questions.
Manufacturer of advanced LED display systems, price displays, time temperature and custom information displays. Displays the date or day of week in the System Tray area of the Taskbar set the date and time format, and the fonts and color to display. A floating window can also be kept on screen to display the time and date. Displays the current time floating on the screen, graphics and QuickTime movies. Can control Energy Saver features.
Informational material for large led, lamp, crt electronic sign screen displays for outdoor and indoor usage. Maker of flight information display systems. Aviation artworks in oil, watercolor, and by photograph. Various artists on display with bios and technical information.
Internet radio show offering information on ultralights, microlights, and light sport aircraft. Information and links. News, tips and information.